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St. Catherine of Sweden

Catherine of Sweden was the fourth child of St. Bridget of Sweden and Ulf Gudmarsson. She was born in 1331 or 1332 and educated at the convent of Riseberg from the age ofseven. Catherine showed great devotion from her earliest years. In obedience to her father, she married a nobleman, Eggart von Kürnen when she was thirteen or fourteen, but she persuaded Eggart that they should live a celibate life together. She loved her husband and together they devoted themselves to pray and works of charity. In 1349, Eggart died while Catherine was with her mother in Rome. The new widow dedicated herself to working beside her mother in active charity and refused many offers of marriage. In 1372, Catherine went with her mother on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and she was at Bridget’s side during her last illness. She then took her mother’s body home to Sweden. On her arrival, Catherine became abbess of the convent which St. Bridget had founded. She later returned to Rome to obtain approval of the Brigittines’ rule. She died in March 1381, shortly after returning to Sweden. She was canonized in 1484 and her feast is March 22.

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