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St. Catherine of Bologna

Catherine was born September 8, 1413. At age ten she was sent to be the companion of Princess Margarita at the court of the Marquis of Ferrara. Catherine studied the fine arts and literature at court and returned home after the princess was married. Catherine then joined a small community in Ferrara who were living by the rule of St. Augustine; under Catherine’s influence the group decided to follow the Rule of St. Clare instead. They were clothed as Poor Clares in 1432. The group founded a monastery in Bologna and Catherine became its abbess. After overcoming many temptations and spiritual trials, Catherine was granted spiritual consolations and enjoyed the gift of contemplation to the highest degree. With the help of her confessor, she wrote out her spiritual counsels in the “Treatise on the Seven Spiritual Weapons.” Catherine died on March 9, 1463. She was canonized by Benedict XIII. Her feast is kept by all branches of the Franciscans on March 9.

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