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Giao Ly Giao Hoi Cong Giao

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Giao Ly Giao Hoi Cong Giao

Availability: Usually ships within 2 to 3 business days
Item #: 108404

Price: $34.95

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Day la cuon Giao Ly moi cua Giao Hoi Cong Giao tu tren 400 nam nay,Tom tat toan bo tin ly va luan ly Cong Giao:
Duc ket nhung tinh hoa cua Kinh Thanh, Phung Vu,Bi Tich,Truyen Thong va Giao Huan cua Giao Hoi cung nhu tu doi song cua cac thanh.
Dua tren truyen thong khi giai thich nhung dieu Giao Hoi tin ( kinh Tin Kinh ),cu hanh ( cac Bi Tich ),song ( cac gioi ran ),va cau nguyen ( kinh Lay Cha ),Giao Ly Cong Giao thach do nguoi tin huu va tra loi cho nhung thac mac ve mau nhiem Duc Tin Cong Giao.
Day la "Mot tieu chuan chac chan cho viec giang day Duc Tin,va la mot tang an dac biet",nhu loi DTC Gioan Phaolo 2 tung tuyen bo.

Sach day 1 5/8 inches, co 962 trang
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